Went to jurong point first since I had to buy shoes for work!
it was raining so damn heavily at boonlay then that I was damn worried that the bbq would be affected :(
Since I was early, I decided to take the train to jookoon & back to je!
camwhored while waiting for the train ;D
met anthony on the train but didn't know if it was really him, so I didn't approach him hahaha :D
finally met xueying, jiaying, jiajia & kyle on the train, and our long journey to the other side of singapore began
we chatted and slacked. LOL but seriously, jurong is so damn far from pasir ris! No wonder I don't really go there often!
finally reached there, shopped for bbq stuff and also snacks.
bought this snack and the people there actually gave me another packet that couldn't be sold just because they weren't in this shape. LOL lucky us
then aaron drove us to Costa Sands Pasir Ris! I didn't know that he was driving, and I love travelling in cars! see, that's what happens when your family doesn't have a car, you'll learn to treasure car rides so bloody much :D
it was raining so damn heavily everyone must have been secretly so worried! we were all wet even though we were just out in the rain for what, 10 seconds max to get on the car! That was how heavy the rain was.
and I was secretly so happy to get the front seat, no idea why but I really love that seat, somehow it feels more important and cool LOL car-deprived teenager
took this while we were waiting for aaron to get his stuff from his house!
and finally we reached the chalet! being excited kids, we explored the place that we would be calling home for the next 2 days!
look at this lamp, it's shining brightly right? it couldn't work immediately at night...... zzzzzzzzz lousy shit
my werewolf top and messy hair
our goods
still drizzling when we got there, but at least it was not that bad :-)
luckily we had an electric kettle, used this to contribute to our water supply!
I thought that we had enough drinks (2 more bottles of coke not included in the photo) but oh I was wrong. the guys had to go buy more drinks!
bbq supplies!
cause it was raining so they were innovative and thought of this LOL
our first groupshot taken in the chalet!
waited for people to arrive for the bbq. Didn't really expect more than 10 people to come actually hahaha but it turned out rather okay!
first "visitors" HAHAHA
cause the guys were all busy setting up the fire, we felt bad for not doing anything so we helped in food prep!
the cooking team
and the socialising team HAHAHA
fried rice with cheese
white hot charcoal
oh this cat came near our chalet and kyle fed it. From then on it fell in love with him and followed him around LOL. but it seriously looks so damn cute! stroked it and it also brushed its body against my legs. LOVE CATS
whats a bbq without toasted marshmellows!
everyone mingled around and left at around 10+ or was it 11?
love these shots :-)
then we cleared up, bathed and got ready for our night-marathon #1
we watched the most retarded stuff there, from hello kitty -> power rangers (15 FREAKING MINS OMG) -> digimon pokemon gangnam style etc!!!
lol aaron imitating the characters!
chatted about anything and every thing. everyone decided to catch some zzzzzz but I wasn't sleepy so I sort of "half-slept" in the living room with the guys and vanessa while jiajia,jiaying & xueying took the room upstairs
LOL every one said to wake up at 730 but they all couldn't!
especially vanessa, her phone just above her head was blasting since she set the alarm but she didn't even budge!
so the 4 girls excluding vanessa stayed in the room and we chatted <3
finally everyone got up and we headed to have mac breakfast!
aaron and fenfei had individual activities so they were mia!
I'll never eat mac hotcakes in the near future, it's not really nice! :(
headed to the arcade since we were waiting for aaron to get back!
LOL the actual poster for a movie.......
Vanessa as katy perry HAHAHA so cute!
and while they were discussing abt stuff, I escaped into the neoprint booth to take selcas
horrible nails
my fingers look scarily long
and the rest joined me!
walked back and spotted escape theme park! so damn sad it's closed down now :(
while waiting for aaron & after that, for kris, samuel & aihua , we played saboteur!
I must say, out of 4 rounds, I only became the miner once......... badluckamanda hahaha!
went bowling!
carissa! OMG IT WAS SO DAMN RANDOM and I was so happy when she approached me!!!
meeting her real soon and I can't wait!
selcas with aihua! she's damn tall and skinny omg #jealousmodeon
we went cycling after that and I still did not manage to learn how to cycle...... oh well
group shot!
then we had dinner!
lol jiaying and I were running around to buy cakes to surprise our TLs and damn, we had fun! told her we were playing running man LOL!
took polaroids! LOL asked this indian delivery uncle to help us take and he was super weird! oh well
after that, we were supposed to go sing karaoke, but it was so ex we decided to go back and sing! AND WE SANG THE WHOLE NIGHT HAHAHA
fenfei bought pizza! so nice of him
okay, so suddenly they started to stand up like they're preparing for something. and aaron told us that it was lakota's 4th month anniversary since POC was from 27-29 april and the chalet's from 27-29 aug! OMG SUCH A COINCIDENCE! but omg they were so sweet to have remembered!
they decorated a cake for us. OMG (insert gilttery hearts)
the decorations were all so meaningful too! there was something that represented everyone! :O <3
this is me! lol cause im always taking photos
jiajia: a drawing of a house with a squared sign
jiaying: the chinese word 赢
xueying: chinese word plus a snowflake
kyle: a cow HAHAHA
deqing: a leaf
kris: criss-cross fries LOL!
aihua: heart+flower HAHAHA!
samuel: soccer ball
zihe: the squiggly blue line, it resembles a river
and it's an anniversary divided by 3 because we're at our 4th-month-anniversary, and an anniversary=12mths. COOL OR WHAT. they put in so much effort and love omg love them so much with exploding hearts! <3
and we took groupshots again!
LOL this was the challenging one, my camera was balanced on two chairs stacked on the wooden tv cabinet by aaron! it's supposed to be a heart shape :-)
successful shot!
shots of us like we're gonna eat the cake
after photos we ate the cake and continued out karaoke session! LOL actually not many sang but it was still FUN <3
so night marathon #2 continued. This time I was super sleepy but didn't sleep at all hahaha
final day of chalet :( everyone was dead tired and it was evident hahaha!
slacked around, chatted, packed up and headed back home.
not much to say since nothing much happened today but I felt so damn tired and sad :(
the chalet was so good.
aaron drove us back to white sands! so nice of him!
LOL the 2 who sang the most. No more voice lah!
our final groupshots :( lesigh everything has to come to an end........ balanced my camera on the car boot this time!
accidentally took this candid photo!
and everyone trained home!
unsuccessful attempts of our "west-side" peeps selca!
In conclusion, I seriously thought that the chalet was so damn fun! and I really love Lakota and the awesome people that made it rock!
especially aaron, since he planned almost everything for us! I FELT SO DAMN BAD FOR NOT DOING ANYTHING OMG.
love vanessa & fenfei, our 2 other awesome TLs too!
and freshies like me: jiaying, kyle, xueying, jiajia, deqing!
oh and also kris, aihua & samuel for coming whoohoo!
LOL I felt really sad actually when I was on aaron's car. It really felt like it would be our first and last chalet, since aaron's leaving for internship next monday, so we wouldnt be seeing him in school :(
and it's kinda hard to meetup..........
But oh well, I'm sure when there's a will, there's a way! We'll figure it out <3
I am so lucky to have met lakota peeps, they have really made my life fun and a lot more meaningful <3
xoxo forever lakota'12 :-)