Hello everyone! So I've been surfing the net with absolutely nothing to do, and I decided that since I have so much free time, why not blog? So Imma blog about my trip to USS with friends, which was really awesome!
20 september 2012: thursday.
I woke up with a banging headache, blocked nose & a super tired me. Since I barely slept a wink the night before, maybe only for 3 hours? Insomnia gets the best of me........
Obviously I wasn't feeling amazing, but I was still kinda excited for the trip, apart from the weather which was really worrying since it looked it could rain any minute, which really dampened my mood a whole lot.
Met xueying at bg mrt station and we trained to je mrt station to meet jiaying & jiajia.
Was so worried that I'll be late but turns out that they were even later than us.
finally we met and we travelled to harbourfront feeling hyped for USS, since they have never been there before while I didn't really get to explore the place during the USS outing ;D
we were super kiasu and reached a good half an hour early, but there were earlier people, mostly tourists!
got our $55 tickets and queued to enter the place :D
our shoes hehehe~ Apparently I was the only one in flats so I was really going on rides barefooted hahaha!
my new cropped top! Love the little dots of rainbow they are absolutely adorable!
and....... we're in!
snapped shots like a typical tourist hahaha
spot me in the glass reflection hahaha!
These are adorable but they must be crazily expensive!
typical tourist, only I'm a singaporean LOL
frankenstein walking around lol
and this guy was so bored that he started playing with this ball-toy attached to a string. I spotted him at 9+am and he was still playing when we went home cause the place was closing. Oh god his job must be so damn boring.
we were all a little confused, not knowing where we should start first. So........ we went to the madagascar-themed area first!
So you realised that I'm only posting my photos :-) no I am not a self-centred bitch. okay maybe I am.
first group photo! failed though hahaha!
second time success!
passed by this booth-van selling all these stuffed toys! they were adorable!
gloria is so damn fat hahaha
and my dad loves Melman!
but this version is so ugly
first ride that we saw, didn't take it but I took a photo with the staff, who was really nice hahaha!
oh, and he helped us take group shots! spot the difference between my camera and jiajia's. (hahaha braggart)
And we decided to ride the carousel!
but not before taking some photos!
and here we go!
so old yet riding Melman like a kid hahaha
the sun just lit up my eyes
Realized how fat my face looked. lesighs
next stop, far far away! This is my absolute favourite zone despite the lack of thrill rides! It's just so damn gorgeous and fairytale like! You'll see what I mean!
first ride at far far away: enchanted airways, a mini roller coaster which was really not scary. I spent the whole time screaming with joy and keeping my arms up, not holding the safety bars. (bragging again but oh well.)
and the friendly staff hahaha
it was such a hot day I was damn glad when we stood under the fan <3
THE CASTLE IS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. if only we could enter the different levels :(
me pretending that I'm a princess......
and jiayng trying it out too! :DDDDDD
next stop: The Lost World!
boring place cause I hate dinosaurs. just like how typical guys dislike far far away with their princesses hahaha
le friends checking out the place
LOL unglam
another ride: canopy flyer, whereby we were suspended in air, sitting 2-by-2, back to back. but we couldn't see each other hahaha. This was just a joy ride, nothing scary. AND it is much more enjoyable to sit at the front instead of facing the back!
with yet another staff! they were all super nice omg
armcandy sort of hahaha!
headed to......
land of Egypt! or whatever it's called
amazed by how big the figurine's feet was so......
I camwhored with lefeet HAHAHA!
This was how huge the figurine was. W O A H :D
Lefriends! so you see, I'm not totally self-absorbed cause I helped them take photos together while I stood at the other end alone
but I got my shot too! :D
drinks and snacks! They aren't that expensive, I've seen scarier ones!
best time for a cooling drink. Though we didn't get any cause we are Singaporeans and we refuse to splurge on expensive yet average drinks.
it's a thrilling roller coaster ride that is indoors. Perfect for rainy days! and it's not lame, it's surprisingly fun and really fast! Loved it! Took it twice and found the first time to be better (like, duh!)
but I guess it's not really scary cause I could keep my arms up and laugh. or maybe I'm crazy, cause the others all said it was really scary......
But just a reminder, you have to keep your bags in the lockers, which are free if you use them for just half an hour each time! super awesome!
oh and the second time I rode it, I actually could pose for the camera mid-ride. AWESOME OR WHAT? :D
with really nice staff again! actually wanted to take a photo with this really nice uncle but he left the entrance....... oh well.
went to the sci-fi area next!
once I saw this, I kept my eyes fixated on them and swore that I would conquer both roller coasters, which I did :-) (proud)
LOL look at jiaying staring at the roller coasters in disbelief!
met some weird people acting as bots. so.......
robot pose! The guys were really cute, as in they were so into their characters hahaha.
And one of the guys kept winking LOL.
took this ride which I have no idea what it's called! It's just spinning and spinning. Quite lame actually :D
the ride was so mild we could camwhore
The car from transformers!!!
took the famous transformers ride next! This was the only ride that we had to really queue!
since I took it before, I wasn't really amazed. I was super bored. But the others loved it alot so oh well.
camwhored while waiting for the ride!


act cool hahaha!
yet another nice staff!
Lol look at the woman's expression HAHAHA!!
these 2 girls had really weird poses which made me wanna burst out laughing, but they were awesome in carrying out their roles!
okay so it's called sci fi city. Now I know hahahaha!

Photos with the transformers figurine!
and we're back to hollywood!
I look so swollen
leshirt again!
the trying-to-open-door pose hahaha!
knew that I took a similar pic during TRM outing so I tried to take the same photo again HAHAHA!
trying-to-open-the-taxi-door pose
Betty boop was an absolute dear! her voice was so sweet!
and LOL she asked us where were we from, I answered: "singapore" and she said she has no idea where that is.
And I said: "uhhhhhhh, this is singapore....."
she said: "no, this is new york!" and walked off.
they're really into their characters omg
Trying to do the pose that elmo's doing!
our new namjachingu-s hahaha!
Plastic bread
Now this staff, I must talk about him!
I asked him to take a photo with me, and he did.
Then he asked if we wanted to take a group shot, which we did :-)
so we were posing outside the restaurant he was working at and he suddenly suggested that we go into "his" restaurant to take photos cause there was a really nice staircase.
like seriously, who would invite people into their restaurants just to take photos, knowing that they would never patronize their restaurant? But he did.
and the place was really pretty.
But I was seriously impressed by how nice and generous this staff was. Think that he's a manager of the restaurant.
So, thank you mr.manager for your generosity, I hope that you'll get good luck in return HAHAHA
after that, we realised that we have reached the end LOL.
and we started walking around for the second time!
took photos here and this staff helping us take the photos recognized us as poly students, so we started chatting. Turns out that he's from TP and he's on his internship!
wanted to take a photo with the guy but he was busy.......
watched shrek 3D adventures and noticed that there was a cute american (i think) guy sitting next to me ;DDDDDDD
but the "movie" was good! so interactive and there were surprises! hahaha everyone was scared by the spiders but cute guy & me just laughed. OH TELEPATHY! who am I kidding.......
LOL me trying to imitate the princess and I look like a toad.
the special princess in a special glass case
the gingerbread men were so adorable!!!
my camera not adjusting to the sunlight......
and it did.
teehee (thumbs up)
This interactive dinosaur was surprisingly real!
AND THIS! hahaha this guy posing as a scary egyptian was trying to scare all of us.
he succeeded so many times so I decided to be different. After taking the photo, he suddenly grabbed (gently of course) the back of jiaying and my neck. Jiaying freaked out while I laughed, turned to him and said: woah I am scared!
I think that guy must be annoyed by me, but dude you must be bored seeing frightened people. A change will do you good. He's really funny though :-)
Persuaded lefriends with all my might before they agreed to take it.
you sit regularly, not like cyclon whereby you sit with your legs dangling. And to me I felt that the red one was scarier!
The drop down was pure "my-heart-is-falling-out" feeling, but after that it was just enjoyable. And if I could keep my hands in the air most of the time, I think it's not really scary -_-
but after that, the others all refused to ride the blue roller coaster with me :-(
never again, that's what they said.........
photos after the roller coaster ;D

we were standing in front of the fan, hence explaining the flying hair hahaha!
and we continued walking to the exit, since we were all super tired and hungry!
we were so lucky to catch the sesame street show!
really wanted to take photos with them....... but oh well.
the ultimate touristy thing to do: take photos with the turning universal studios globe!
waiting for food!


spam with jiajia! :D
had ramen for lunch! not cheap but it was worth it!
the tonkotsu soup base was yummy, the meat was tender and the noodles were really springy!
and oh I loved the egg!
my yuzu yoghurt drink turned out to be the yummiest!
after our super filling meal, we went back to USS :-)
photo with the panda! we were super lucky cause we were the last in queue to be able to take a photo with the panda! they have time limitations and we were the lucky last hahaha!
best boyfriend award goes to...... me :-)
And I'm a director as well! HAHAHA busy me!
lecrew! actor, actress & director!
the fake marilyn monroe that was so obviously biased towards guys. HMPH!
she didn't even make an effort to take a special photo with us.
and I'm sorry to say this, but her dress was a little too tight on her...... HAHAHA OUCH.
carousel second round!
this time I rode marty! wanted to ride the one next to marty but it was so goddamned high I couldn't reach!
then we unexpectedly caught the madagascar dance show too!
took photos with the animals (humans)
that monkey thing was super cute!
but I hate the penguins, the one on my right (your left) was so annoying and distracted. So I smacked hi/her stomach and got scolded by the staff. That's one grumpy staff I've seen there. since most of them were all nice.
water point hahaha
I could use this if it was around the block.
SEE? that's why I love far far away!
took this super lame ride to kill time! you press and hold a button and the dinosaur will fly up! in the end I held onto the button for the entire ride cause it was fun to be high. and I let my dinosaur drop suddenly cause it was a little more interesting hahaha!
went back to my favourite place to see if there were souvenirs to buy!

we camwhored with the souvenirs but didn't buy them. LOL cheapos.
then I conquered the battlestar galactica- cyclon. Alone.
the others all tried to stop me while I tried to decide whether I should go on the roller coaster. With only 1h left, it was now or never. I had sworn to myself not to leave any regrets at USS, and riding the blue roller coaster was one of the tasks that I promised myself I must conquer.
So even if no one wanted to ride it, I would go alone likeaboss!
LOL jiajia & jiaying even tried to hold me back, but I'm that kind of person: the more you dissuade me, saying that it's dangerous and forbid me from going, the more I would wanna try it out, and the more determined I was.
They were all flabbergasted when I said I'm gonna ride it alone. HAHAHA people, I'm just riding a roller coaster, not committing suicide!
your legs are suspended in air and you can't help but worry as you're strapped to your seat, unable to escape. then as the roller coaster moves up, you would think that it's a slow crawl like the red roller coaster, but no! it suddenly speeds up, leaving you with no choice but to brace yourself for the fall and you'll just scream like a madwoman.
then as it crashes down, you'll feel nothing but waves of pure joy rushing all over you. You fall like you're gonna die flat on your face but you don't. You go through 360 degrees loops (2 of them) and you feel all giddy and high. There's this part whereby you'll get sprayed by water mist. It makes you super refreshed! and I actually kept my arms up for quite some time! even the loops I think! :D IT WAS THAT FUN! not that scary at all!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone going to USS MUST TRY THIS. If not you'll regret for life. I am not kidding it is that awesome!!!
oh and did I say I went on this alone? I found my soulmate while walking to the ride......
this little boy was like me, alone. I walked directly behind him and when we were at the waiting platform, introduced myself and asked him if we could ride together.
He was so scared of me HAHAHA I had to say: "你不用怕,我不是坏人!" HAHAHA!
after awhile, he got used to me and we became roller coaster friends! :D
He's 9 yrs old and I asked him if he was afraid, he said no.
in the end he held onto the safety rails during the whole ride. CUTEEEEEEEEEE <333333333
His whole face flushed red when he got off the ride, with a huge smile on his face. That's why I love kids, they're so easily contented and happy <3
omg I have this sudden maternal feeling inside me, I wanna hug him cause he was such a sweetheart!
but lol, nowadays parents are so weird, letting their child ride something so dangerous alone?!?
okay, we continued walked towards the exit, since the place closes at 7, and it was 6 already!
farewell, may we ever meet again <3
finally found someone to help us take group photos here! :D
went to the sesame street souvenir shop!
we loved these hats omg we really wanted to buy them but ugh we resisted the temptation.
I'm sort of glad I didn't, cause I have no idea where I would wear them to.
camwhored again!

Love this elmo :(
and the cookie monster also....... I WANT T-T
random performers on the street! they were really good! and the little girl in mint was awesome too, dancing along hahaha!
leaving already :-(
camera adjusting again LOL!
the turkey legs are HUGE
oh and remember that I said that there was this TP guy working here for his internship?
I said that I didn't wanna leave with regrets, and I thought that since I wanted to take a photo with him, I have to do it! so.......
We went back to the phototaking area and I asked if they would take a photo with us hahaha!
they were quite shocked but they did take photos with us!
he chatted with us for a while, and we added each other on facebook, though I think I didn't press add...... LOL I feel bad cause I think he wanted these photos for his reflection or something, for his intership!
Naturally, I assumed that he's from tourism, but he's from....... psychology. Like seriously!
It's so damn different but oh well........ And he says that working here ain't as fun as it seems.
but he's damn friendly!
and we said goodbyes. I think I would never see him ever again but oh well!
no fate, we couldn't take photos with frankenstein
the staff was so apologetic I felt bad for him!
and we bid farewell to USS :(
heavy footsteps
see ya :-)
we couldn't leave before taking groupshots in front of this globe!
and our last spam.
then we went to vivocity kopitiam for desserts cause we were all broke hahaha!
and we trained home!
It was such a tiring yet fun day!!!
okay I'm so tired of blogging alr bye lovelies xoxo.