Afterglow was a really awkward event, and emceeing turned out to be so damn tough.
But it was really fun to try something new :-) And I felt so happy today <3
I love my life for now. Though school's kinda stressful, the people that I love make everyday seem a little more magical and I am really so lucky <3
alright, xoxo.
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Monday, 21 January 2013
sleeping woes
It's supposed to be time for me to sleep, but for some reason, I feel that sleeping is a waste of time, so I shall blog about my day out at sentosa ytd! :-)
Finally met up with Jean Grey lovelies and we went to Sentosa for a picnic!
Marcia was terribly early, so I met her first and we travelled to vivo together!since we were so early, we just sat around and had some bread for breakfast <3
we went to toys'r us and had a blast looking at all the toys. LOL and we did the most embarrassing things together, like playing with the hula hoops (yay I can still do it!) and snapping photos of us "wearing" princess dresses meant for kids 7-9 years old. Oh god now I realise that I am getting old.......
oh well!
then met the others, who were all late! Headed to vivomart to buy food for the picnic. At that point of time we believed that the rain had stopped......
when we finished buying everything and headed to catch the monorail, it was pouring so hard that we had no idea how our picnic should be! damn, seriously, it was the worst possible day for a picnic. BUT we decided to be cool and still head to siloso beach for a rainy picnic HAHAHA. the rain seemed to dampen everyone's spirits a little, but we still held hopes that the rain would stop!
reached the place, and we just sat under a shelter, ate and chatted about everything and anything :-) It felt kinda comfortable actually. I mean, we rarely get to meet up, and it just felt so nice to get away from everything and just enjoy my afternoon without worries. <3
We finally gave up hoping that the rain would stop completely, and decided to brave the rain a little :-)
In the end it did stop luh but damn we couldnt even play in the water due to lightning alerts or something......
oh well, we'll always have another chance!
wheeeeeeeeee had a lovely chitchat with marcia and nicolette <3 girly time teehee
we stayed at the beach for quite a while and I realized that the beach was real comfortable at night <3 we chatted and just chilled hehehe.
went back to vivo at around 9+ and headed to food republic for supper! hehehe :-)
okay I know the day sounded boring, but it's not about what we did that was fun! to me, the people who went made everything that was initially boring seem fun again <3 love them all lah!
after that we travelled home and that was the end of the day hahaha!
I realized that it was really true when they say that you'll usually only remember the happy moments in life. Now that I recall what happened ytd, I can only think about the happier moments. I guess that's how human works. And I do believe that ignorance is bliss, so I ain't complaining ;-)
OH I should just upload some random photos from my camera LOL.
OSLT afterglow this week, and it's my first stint emceeing! really excited, nervous and just happy :-) Let's hope that the week would be a really happy one <3
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
it's raining bits of hearts
Sometimes I just get all moody and emotional and unhappy. I have no idea why but today I am so damn unsure about how I feel about things at all. It's like...... One minute I can be happy and the next minute everything just feels wrong. Sigh. I told myself that maybe it's just stress getting to me, or maybe I'm just not in the best of moods. But still, sometimes I can't help but wonder if everything is right, or am I walking down the wrong path. So not sure about everything.
Nights always seem to get the best of me, making me type all these emotional and nonsensical things. ugh I'm supposed to be happy.
On another side note, I'm turning 18 this year. Or to be more precise, in 2 more months and 6 more days. 18...... I would never be able to be labelled as a kid anymore sobs :-( I'm officially legal, and that's bloody awesome. I can finally do anything that I wanna, including purchasing of medicine lol.
I hope all the pieces fall into place really soon. Stay sane, people. love ya xoxo <3
Monday, 14 January 2013
cry me a river
hello love, hope everyone's staying alive.

OH and I met up with carissa and xueying last friday! can't believe that we haven't met up for 3 months!! so much happened within the 3 months but so much still remained the same <3 I really love them so much sobs forever Charlie's Angels <3
ps: accidentally closed Google Chrome and I got a mini heart attack cause if this blog post didn't auto-save I would have killed myself HAHAHA. I HAVE TO LOSE WEIGHT CAUSE WITHIN 2 WEEKS I GAINED 2KG OMG NO MORE SNACKS </3
I'm trying my very best to do so at least......... The sudden flood of projects, schoolwork, deadlines are making me go crazy! Trying to stay sane and so far, I'm not dead yet so yeah ;-)
I even have time to go out and enjoy life oh god I'm such a slacker imma be so dead for finals. SIGH oh well. I have got to pull my socks up, I really wanna get a good GPA yeah.........
So...... I wouldn't have time to blog about OSLT, but all I would say is that it was really an unforgettable 15-days. So well spent, I do not regret going to Cambodia one bit. nope not at all!
The night sky is extremely beautiful, especially on the first day of arrival <333333333333
and the kids are adorable and they cherish every little thing that they have. SG kids should really count their blessings and stop being so damn spoilt.
The countryside is really pretty and I really miss the scenery there <3 We caught the sunrise and it was really gorgeous. I mean, you'll never be able to catch that in Singapore......
Plus, the OSLT team consisted of awesome people and I am really glad that my close friends went <3 hehehe.
Overall, this trip is one trip that I would never forget!
plus, afterglow is next friday, and omg imma be emceeing for the event! MY FIRST TIME BEING AN EMCEE OMG THIS IS GONNA BE SO NERVE-WRECKING YET SO DAMN FUNNNNNNNNNNNNN :D
can't wait! fingers crossed, I won't make a fool out of myself!

OH and I met up with carissa and xueying last friday! can't believe that we haven't met up for 3 months!! so much happened within the 3 months but so much still remained the same <3 I really love them so much sobs forever Charlie's Angels <3
AAAAAAND last last sat the whole family finally met up for steamboat!!
SO GLAD TO MEET MICHELLE FELICIA AND EUNICE OMG MISSED THEM SO DAMN MUCH T-T <333333333 forever cousins, that will never change <3 Girl power hehehe!
OH and lastly, met jingwen last sat for NP open house! Really wanna meet her on friday luhhhhhhhhhhhh but she couldnt make it last minute :-( </3
OKAY OKAY last note: hehehe last week I spent so much time with people I luvvvvvvvvv and I am happy <3 Stressed but still happy teehee :-)
Alright shall sleeps soon since there's school tmr :-(
Nights people xoxo.
ps: accidentally closed Google Chrome and I got a mini heart attack cause if this blog post didn't auto-save I would have killed myself HAHAHA. I HAVE TO LOSE WEIGHT CAUSE WITHIN 2 WEEKS I GAINED 2KG OMG NO MORE SNACKS </3
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