Wednesday, 10 December 2014


so i haven't blogged since FOREVER and I'm terribly sorry (tho no one reads my blog ever cause is damn dead).
BUT I have been crazy busy, last sem of poly is no joke like seriously I hate school every single minute.
Okay tbh it's not that bad sometimes cause of friends and stuff but still assignments are killing everyone.
Common tests are in a few day's time and guess who has not started a single shit yet?

ANYWAY, since I'm so goddamn busy why am I even blogging.
Cause the most ridiculous thing happened to me just 5 minutes ago.

So I have weird bug bites that turn into bruises recently and they're all over me. 
I visited the doctors and he told me typical GP shit and told me to sun my mattress and stuff.
(That's why I'm not at lectures anyway)
Anyway, since it was damn sunny I decided to sun my comforter! And I love my comforter cause the boy bought it for me so it kinda feels special. Just when I went t get a glass of water I SUDDENLY REALIZE THE STUPID COMFORTER WAS MISSING LIKE WTH.
Of course I ran to my window and lol I seriously rolled my eyes when I saw that it flew to someone's clothes hanger SIGH.
ran down to level 3 and the lady was so nice but we couldnt get it back, so I told her to poke at it till it drops to ground level.
AND when I reach ground floor the comforter flew to the clothes hanger one storey down so I had to run to level 2 again and run back down.
But luckily I got it back!!!


But you'll always be my one true love cause you're the perfect background for my instagram photos!