it's been a rollercoaster week.
Lesighs, I don't really know why do my emotions change so easily......
oh well.
-mini carbonara classic that the chef cooked for me ♥O♥

- And the board that I wrote. it was erased within a day. Someone even said it looked ugly. And you can go screw yourself in the corner.

yesterday was a fun working day, plus I met jingwen before going to work ♥

missed her loads so yeah, it's awesome to finally have lunch with her at nydc! Okay, I chose there cause I was craving for the cheap-like-hell pizza lunch set & plus I wanted to surprise xueying who was working that day! HAHAHAHA :-D

OH AND OMG I ALMOST LOST MY PAPER BAG CONTAINING MY WORK CLOTHES & SHOES AT F21 :00000 oh my god I am so careless, seriously! but I found it cause I'm a lucky bitch ;-D Work's always better with someone you're close with ( Carissa ♥) so ytd was overall fun~


today..... I went to polly's house, discovered how much clothes she had, slacked on her queen sized bed & just chilled ♥ It was fun till my newly bought, $10 f21jumpsuit ruined my day. the zip fell out. CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW CRUSHED I FELT? damn it. major ugh. went back home to get the receipt and went to orchard to exchange the clothes! luckily they allowed (very begrudgingly but no I don't care). O M G i couldnt find anything that I liked. the leftover jumpsuits were all a size L and the only top I loved were in size L. WHAT THE HELL. in the end just got a top with a zip behind~

we were starving so we just went to far east plaza's old town white coffee for brunner (my version of breakfast,lunch& dinner) WAS SUPER FULL omg. ps: recently I'm like getting fat even though I don't think i ate a lot........ sighs what is life....... oh well.

Then we headed to bugis to exchange polly's dress and escaped from bugis street( IT WAS FULL OF PEOPLE oh god), bought starbucks and trained home.
overall, it was an okay day, just that the jumpsuit I loved ruined my mood completely. omg why am I so shallow, feeling all wretched over clothes? Shows how much I need to start studying......
okay, I'm also feeling depressed cause I'm worried I've lost a friend...... Maybe it's just me, but somehow we aren't chatting like how we used to last time :-( I'm sorry...... sighs. life sucks sometimes when you face all these boulders.........
okay, I'm gonna go wallow in misery pathetically. enjoy your weekends people. wait, who even reads this blog? LOL most probably bots. B Y E.
ps: I'm getting fatter but I didn't even eat much..... wait I said that already? UGH I HATE LIFE.

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