Wednesday, 28 November 2012
you gotta get up and try.
Absolutely in love with jayesslee's recent cover of pink's "try"
and omg Janice is getting married! <3 such a fairytale ending for the both of them <3
if only I could be like them, talented and living in bliss........
instead, I'm stuck in school waiting to collect donations for my fundraising LOL.
Monday, 26 November 2012
begin again
it has been such a horrible week that I am appalled at how sucky a week can actually get.
damn, please let the past week be the worst week of 2012, and let me enjoy the remaining......... 1 month and 5 days of 2012 :-(
been feeling nothing but blue recently. It seems like nothing's going my way, nothing's making me happy and everyone seems to wanna see me fall flat on my face.
maybe I'm thinking too much, maybe it's karma for sinning too much, or maybe it just means that I am downright unlucky. But I just wish this week would be really wonderful and wash away all the blue that the past week has brought to me.
seeing everyone else enjoying that particular week makes me wanna wallow in self-pity even more.
alright, good night to all and let's keep our fingers crossed that the week would be a good one :-)
Thursday, 22 November 2012
life is a bitch
this is a ranting post, so if you're in a really bad mood, just close the browser cause it'll just make you really annoyed. Or if you're feeling at the top of the world please don't let me rain on your parade. Close the browser as well.
so, let's start.
I really hate this current week. It used to be the highlight of november. I swear. All my friends knew that I was so excited for BBSG overnight stay at Loft from saturday to sunday. And I was supposed to meet lynette & casia for our FMM journal and we were going to this german exhibition that seemed really fun. Friday was supposed to be for catching up with huixin & polly, eat loads of good food & destress. But now......... everything's gone into flames.
Frankly, I don't blame or feel annoyed AT ALL for the reason that led me to my non-existing weekend, cause I am actually rather sad about it. BUT what I am annoyed would have to be the fact that life absolutely hates me so much that they choose to wreck the highlight of the month with something that I absolutely cannot escape from. Like, seriously. I think I must have been a sinner in my past life to be so downright unlucky.
I used to believe in luck once upon a time. But since I grew up, I saw how unlucky I really was, and how things just doesn't seem to go my way. So, I gave up wishing that lady luck would shine on me, and tried my best to rely on myself unlike some lucky assholes that have plentiful of luck to spare. However, I just had to rant a little this time.
Maybe life loves to play a trick on us. I've had enough bad luck and "co-incidences" to last me for a lifetime. Please spare me the pain and annoyance having to miss out something that I have been so hyped up about. It isn't fair at all to make me harbour hopes that the weekend would be amazing, give me a sucky start of the week while still holding onto the weekends as a float to get through this horrible week, and when I've finally reached the shore, woke me up and made me realize that it was nothing but a dream. I was still stuck in the middle of the ocean. Effing hell, I am so damn pissed.
And to see everyone else having fun, that makes me even more annoyed. So annoyed that I wanna cry and kick up a huge fuss, but people would just think that I am insensible, foolish, stupid and hopeless. I am only a teenager, I long to enjoy my teenage years as well.
Life doesn't just give me lemons, it showers me with lemons and pelts me till I find myself feeling like dying but hanging by a thread. That, sucks, so, badly.
sigh. I really wanted to rant somewhere, and this blogpost did not make me feel better. but at least I don't feel like I'm keeping everything to myself.
alright, long weekend ahead. hahaha FML FML FML FML FML I HATE LIFE.
bye. and if you're enjoying your weekend, go away and stop making me see how lousy my life is treating me. shoo. okay fml bye.
so, let's start.
I really hate this current week. It used to be the highlight of november. I swear. All my friends knew that I was so excited for BBSG overnight stay at Loft from saturday to sunday. And I was supposed to meet lynette & casia for our FMM journal and we were going to this german exhibition that seemed really fun. Friday was supposed to be for catching up with huixin & polly, eat loads of good food & destress. But now......... everything's gone into flames.
Frankly, I don't blame or feel annoyed AT ALL for the reason that led me to my non-existing weekend, cause I am actually rather sad about it. BUT what I am annoyed would have to be the fact that life absolutely hates me so much that they choose to wreck the highlight of the month with something that I absolutely cannot escape from. Like, seriously. I think I must have been a sinner in my past life to be so downright unlucky.
I used to believe in luck once upon a time. But since I grew up, I saw how unlucky I really was, and how things just doesn't seem to go my way. So, I gave up wishing that lady luck would shine on me, and tried my best to rely on myself unlike some lucky assholes that have plentiful of luck to spare. However, I just had to rant a little this time.
Maybe life loves to play a trick on us. I've had enough bad luck and "co-incidences" to last me for a lifetime. Please spare me the pain and annoyance having to miss out something that I have been so hyped up about. It isn't fair at all to make me harbour hopes that the weekend would be amazing, give me a sucky start of the week while still holding onto the weekends as a float to get through this horrible week, and when I've finally reached the shore, woke me up and made me realize that it was nothing but a dream. I was still stuck in the middle of the ocean. Effing hell, I am so damn pissed.
And to see everyone else having fun, that makes me even more annoyed. So annoyed that I wanna cry and kick up a huge fuss, but people would just think that I am insensible, foolish, stupid and hopeless. I am only a teenager, I long to enjoy my teenage years as well.
Life doesn't just give me lemons, it showers me with lemons and pelts me till I find myself feeling like dying but hanging by a thread. That, sucks, so, badly.
sigh. I really wanted to rant somewhere, and this blogpost did not make me feel better. but at least I don't feel like I'm keeping everything to myself.
alright, long weekend ahead. hahaha FML FML FML FML FML I HATE LIFE.
bye. and if you're enjoying your weekend, go away and stop making me see how lousy my life is treating me. shoo. okay fml bye.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
the man who can't be moved
so I realised that I should start uploading my photos to blogger instead of getting them from FB, cause they disappear after some time!
ugh........ so tedious. But oh well, at least it'll control my photo spam. :-)
E-learning week is turning out to be such a bore......... sigh. I'm actually looking forward to the weekends cause I'm gonna meet jingwen for dinner on thursday (tentative, but I really wanna meet her!!!), huixin & polly to use up that Handburger Groupon on friday, plus shopping if we have time. Then saturday & sunday would be bbsg collection, packing & delivery! teehee can't wait to stay over at the Loft <3
staring at my chipped nail and I feel so frustrated. ugh actualyl I've been feeling a little grumpy today...... Must be the weather.
Taylor sounds lovely in this video! She really can sing live <33333333333
and I just realised that I tend to snack when I'm at home. damn can I just tape my mouth??? :'(
I realised that life can be a bitch sometimes. You never know who's true to you, and who's not. Sometimes, life makes you feel like you're on the top of the world, and in another minute it can come crashing down. I've long gave up hope that lady luck would shine on me, since I've always been unlucky.......
lesigh. I just feel so damn sian today.
Please let tomorrow be a better day!
the only plus point of today would be: yay new blog background & format! no more loading of photos hahaha!
alright, gonna go emo in a corner or do something that'll make me happy now. ciao xoxo.
Saturday, 17 November 2012
cross my heart and hope to die
so....... CTs are starting in abt 2 week's time and I have not started revising anything......
SO FREAKING STRESSED :'( I have to start studying ASAP, damnit.
and I think that CCA's really taking up so much of my time. I actually regret going for OSLT cause it's just nothing but a HUGE burden.
sigh...... I just hope I can survive the weeks to come :-(

actually sometimes I get really confused about my feelings and emotions, I can get so damn moody in like, 3 seconds. What is wrong with me........
argh the stress is making me real down, and I hate all this shit ugh!!!!! Can't I just have a really happy and relaxed life??? :-(((((((
and I have cca tomorrow till 5 I think. ugh damnit I am so not free for cca, especially oslt meeting. it's kinda making me feel like it's a burden.
oh well, $$$ paid, shall just make the best out of it.
and fml, youtube is not making me feel better by lagging like hell.
hmph, it's a tiring and sian night.
ciao, let's hope I don't burst into flames.
SO FREAKING STRESSED :'( I have to start studying ASAP, damnit.
and I think that CCA's really taking up so much of my time. I actually regret going for OSLT cause it's just nothing but a HUGE burden.
sigh...... I just hope I can survive the weeks to come :-(
actually sometimes I get really confused about my feelings and emotions, I can get so damn moody in like, 3 seconds. What is wrong with me........
argh the stress is making me real down, and I hate all this shit ugh!!!!! Can't I just have a really happy and relaxed life??? :-(((((((
and I have cca tomorrow till 5 I think. ugh damnit I am so not free for cca, especially oslt meeting. it's kinda making me feel like it's a burden.
oh well, $$$ paid, shall just make the best out of it.
and fml, youtube is not making me feel better by lagging like hell.
hmph, it's a tiring and sian night.
ciao, let's hope I don't burst into flames.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
crimson red
so........ it's 1:39 right now and I am not sleepy at all.......
well, I bet everyone else would be doing tutorials or at least something conducive if they aren't asleep.... Not for me though.
I painted my nails crimson red and I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the color. just bought new bottles of cheap nail polish and so far I love it <3
okay, since I'm not doing anything at all, I should just go to bed.......
ugh sian, was actually looking forward to this Saturday but...... I knew that nothing would go my way :-( oh well.
school tomorrow; what a bore. sigh I suddenly feel like I'm lagging behind. really need to start studying. OH GOD PLEASE LET ME HAVE SOME MOTIVATION. :'(
goodnight & goodmorning, let's hope we'll have a lovely day ahead :-)
well, I bet everyone else would be doing tutorials or at least something conducive if they aren't asleep.... Not for me though.
I painted my nails crimson red and I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the color. just bought new bottles of cheap nail polish and so far I love it <3
ugh sian, was actually looking forward to this Saturday but...... I knew that nothing would go my way :-( oh well.
school tomorrow; what a bore. sigh I suddenly feel like I'm lagging behind. really need to start studying. OH GOD PLEASE LET ME HAVE SOME MOTIVATION. :'(
goodnight & goodmorning, let's hope we'll have a lovely day ahead :-)
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
not just skin deep :-)
sup bitches, how's life?
hahaha finally decided to update my blog once in a while, and this time with much more words than photos of me....... (shy face)
teehee. So it's deepavali today! I LOVE HOLIDAYS BUT I HATE MAKEUP LESSONS ToT It's just so damn tragic to have makeup lessons ughhhhhhhhhhhhh. bobian lah.
So I shall spend my holiday at home, trying to do up my tutorials due this week and also projects and shit. Damn, school's getting hectic. But I'll survive, I think.........
alright, now for some overdue photos!
1) flag day
LOL WTS this is damn overdue but heck care, shall just post them teehee!
woke up damn early and felt like shit cause I am not a morning person........ while waiting for the people to come, camwhored as usual.

....... crazy woman

So...... apparently I'm pretty good at flag days cause I managed to fill quite alot of my tin! yay I felt damn good when the others complimented me hahaha (smug grin)
partnered with Ghasis and it was really fun! Chatted, gossiped and asked for donations together :-) LOL we walked from orchard to dhoby, and walked back.
so........ in the middle of our walk there we saw this mascot and decided to camwhore with it!

and we met fenfei while we were otw back, he was always at the same spot! stole some of his business and he actually wanted to leave so that we can take his spot! OMG HE IS SO DAMN NICE LUH (cries in guilt)
But being nice, we obviously didn't do so.

Instead, we went to yoshinoya and had lunch together along with dillon and Gerald!

nomnomnom. I really wanted the boiled veggies though...... :-( hahaha I bet I couldn't imagine myself saying those exact words 3 years ago, when I was still round like a ball and refused to eat veg at all.
after lunch, everyone felt so lazy we just couldn't find the motivation to work hard... went to somewhere near cineleisure and continued, then we saw that the time was up and happily packed up and left


xueying & jiaying :-)

my shoes with a fallen flag day sticker.
so after flag day, we had our OSLT cultural exchange! We were split into groups and we had to travel to little india for some "missions"

mission no.1: order & eat indian food. OMG we were so not used to it but we still ate them......
the first one is just damn weird........


HAHAHA we couldn't finish the food so I wrapped the pancake thing into a popiah and stuffed it to Alson, who had no choice but to eat it since he's the only guy in our group! :D

group photo!
mission no.2: go to any shop and ask for recipes for curry chicken. LOL so random but we still did it.

And the storekeeper was soooooooooooooooo nice he even agreed to take a photo with us! If it was me I would have been like "wth no go away."
mission no.3) find a popular indian temple and visit it. WE TOOK FOREVER TO FIND IT OMG

love this shot cause the lady that helped us take this photo actually squatted down just to take this photo omg she's so nice!
after this, we went to mustafa, and went back to meet the others! so damn tired......
trained back home & had dinner with xueying, who didn't seem to have much of an appetite on that day...... :-(

okay, done!
2) random casia

3) meetup with girlfriends @ itacho
finally met huixin & polly & sandy after school last friday! omg it was soooooooooooooooo good to see them since it felt like forever since we last met......

wanted to eat these but....... too expensive :'(

kawaii huixin!

polly & I :-)

my nails are LONG

polly's fish roe chawanmushi! she didn't like it cause she said the fish roe bursts in her mouth HAHA

huixin and my crab meat chawanmushi! NOW THIS WAS SUPER YUMMY!!!

their tomyam udon

and my soba! I found out that I don't like soba cause it's so bland!

super duper yummy salmon sushi for only 40 cents/piece! damn too bad it's limited to 2/customer only it was so good!
after dinner, we walked around :-) since we were bloody full!

and we went to the rooftop and spend alot of time camwhoring!
I seriously spammed their phones lol!

3) webcams today!
with jiaying & xueying while waiting for xy's duty to be finished!


bokeh hates me too

PS x1

PS X 2

With Kaixin!
so tired, think I'm crashing soon so...... goodnight lovelies have an awesome deepavali!!!
hahaha finally decided to update my blog once in a while, and this time with much more words than photos of me....... (shy face)
teehee. So it's deepavali today! I LOVE HOLIDAYS BUT I HATE MAKEUP LESSONS ToT It's just so damn tragic to have makeup lessons ughhhhhhhhhhhhh. bobian lah.
So I shall spend my holiday at home, trying to do up my tutorials due this week and also projects and shit. Damn, school's getting hectic. But I'll survive, I think.........
alright, now for some overdue photos!
1) flag day
LOL WTS this is damn overdue but heck care, shall just post them teehee!
woke up damn early and felt like shit cause I am not a morning person........ while waiting for the people to come, camwhored as usual.
....... crazy woman
So...... apparently I'm pretty good at flag days cause I managed to fill quite alot of my tin! yay I felt damn good when the others complimented me hahaha (smug grin)
partnered with Ghasis and it was really fun! Chatted, gossiped and asked for donations together :-) LOL we walked from orchard to dhoby, and walked back.
so........ in the middle of our walk there we saw this mascot and decided to camwhore with it!
and we met fenfei while we were otw back, he was always at the same spot! stole some of his business and he actually wanted to leave so that we can take his spot! OMG HE IS SO DAMN NICE LUH (cries in guilt)
But being nice, we obviously didn't do so.
Instead, we went to yoshinoya and had lunch together along with dillon and Gerald!
nomnomnom. I really wanted the boiled veggies though...... :-( hahaha I bet I couldn't imagine myself saying those exact words 3 years ago, when I was still round like a ball and refused to eat veg at all.
after lunch, everyone felt so lazy we just couldn't find the motivation to work hard... went to somewhere near cineleisure and continued, then we saw that the time was up and happily packed up and left
xueying & jiaying :-)
my shoes with a fallen flag day sticker.
so after flag day, we had our OSLT cultural exchange! We were split into groups and we had to travel to little india for some "missions"
mission no.1: order & eat indian food. OMG we were so not used to it but we still ate them......
the first one is just damn weird........
HAHAHA we couldn't finish the food so I wrapped the pancake thing into a popiah and stuffed it to Alson, who had no choice but to eat it since he's the only guy in our group! :D
group photo!
mission no.2: go to any shop and ask for recipes for curry chicken. LOL so random but we still did it.
And the storekeeper was soooooooooooooooo nice he even agreed to take a photo with us! If it was me I would have been like "wth no go away."
mission no.3) find a popular indian temple and visit it. WE TOOK FOREVER TO FIND IT OMG
love this shot cause the lady that helped us take this photo actually squatted down just to take this photo omg she's so nice!
after this, we went to mustafa, and went back to meet the others! so damn tired......
trained back home & had dinner with xueying, who didn't seem to have much of an appetite on that day...... :-(
okay, done!
2) random casia
3) meetup with girlfriends @ itacho
finally met huixin & polly & sandy after school last friday! omg it was soooooooooooooooo good to see them since it felt like forever since we last met......
wanted to eat these but....... too expensive :'(
kawaii huixin!
polly & I :-)
my nails are LONG
polly's fish roe chawanmushi! she didn't like it cause she said the fish roe bursts in her mouth HAHA
huixin and my crab meat chawanmushi! NOW THIS WAS SUPER YUMMY!!!
their tomyam udon
and my soba! I found out that I don't like soba cause it's so bland!
super duper yummy salmon sushi for only 40 cents/piece! damn too bad it's limited to 2/customer only it was so good!
after dinner, we walked around :-) since we were bloody full!
and we went to the rooftop and spend alot of time camwhoring!
I seriously spammed their phones lol!
3) webcams today!
with jiaying & xueying while waiting for xy's duty to be finished!
bokeh hates me too
PS x1
PS X 2
With Kaixin!
so tired, think I'm crashing soon so...... goodnight lovelies have an awesome deepavali!!!
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