I don't really know where this is going, but let's not look back and we'll see how things go :-)
flag day for cca tmr....... should be sleeping but I'm not. Should do tutorials but I'm bored. Hahaha :D
ps: need to get contacts luh. I mean, I alr have them so I have to wear them soon......
random photo taken during trm cruise. Casia was being my lecturer about food omg she is crazily funny <3 LOL realised that my fingers are LOOOOOONG
with casia & lynette :-)
with min. she is so damn tall omg ENVIOUS
fine dining table!
spamming maha's phone HAHAHA realised that I always love to take shots of my left eye. and my left & right eye is different. maybe I should go cut my eyelids.
with lixin!
with alson!
with ghasis, xueying, jiaying, jiajia & lixin! :D
gerald haha!
with jiajia!
le awesome cover photo for my profile, edited by casia the amazing photoshop master. OMG SO KAWAII
and adorable me. my new DP HAHAHAHA!!
the next photoshop creation. MAHJONG HAHAHA!
BApphire dinner! didn't regret going teehee! with yifei, chiahui, siuhui & sheena <3
felicia! and there's leslie photobombing us :D
overdue FML photos that felicia uploaded! LOL spammed her phone lor ps :-)
with felicia, sheena, yifei & cassandra!
before the race! LOL 178's my tag number :-)
during the run. check out my red cheeks hahaha (noobshit)
and the spam starts
le eye again!
so secschool
with felicia!
with jiajia during injections day for oslt :-)
OH BTW. I got 4 injections and I'm so surprised to find out that I'm quite brave lol.
the first injection I went later cause I was a bit scared, but I was first for the third one!
three injections on my left arm and 1 on the right!
simin & jiajia
check out my adorable "triangle" injections on my left arm. SO FAT SIA OMG I had to angle them so that they looked less fat...... zzzzzz really need to go on a diet........
okay bye I'm gonna......... do something else now :-)
seeya on the flip side <3
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