Hello lovelies, hope everyone's surviving with exams. I am practically dying. Seriously I need to stop doing last minute revision cause I am so terribly screwed.
Oh well........ lesson learnt. I will try my best to be as hardworking as I possibly can for the final 2 papers. CAN'T. FREAKING. WAIT.
alright, enough with the mundane events of my life, shall just update about what happened recently.
firstly, I am officially in exco for my cca. And the presidential office somemore siol. Though I have this really strong feeling that I would be in charge of finance......... oh well, we'll just take things as it comes.
But I am proud of myself for getting in LOL I didn't even think that I could get in! :D
Secondly, I went on an adventure to the really unexplored purple line last tuesday (5th feb 2013)
Prepared a bento for lunch for us and hehehe it was fun <3 I love cooking omg I feel like an auntie.
We first went to Ciel Patisserie @ Hougang and damn, that was my first visit to Hougang! AND IT WAS HUGEEEEEEE.
but we found the shop after a long walk........
Scarlet, this was yummy though it tasted like the jelly hearts that my mom makes, without the jelly layer
Sel, sea salt chocolate cake and it was yummy, though a tad bit salty hahaha!
Fuji. I disliked this....... green tea aint my thing plus the sponge cake was too dry and the jelly layer was separated from the sponge cake easily.......
Lemon meringue! this was pretty decent apart from tasting a little too sweet!
hmmmm the cakes were affordable but could definitely be improved!
And I realized that I should never order hot tea again apart from milk tea CAUSE I REALLY DISLIKED IT.......
then we walked to nex AND IT WAS MY FIRST EVER VISIT THERE TOO OMG. and that place is huge I swear. but for some reason I got bored soon HAHAHA.
walked around and we had dinner at Laksania and it was yummy :-)
bused home and he actually sent me home seriously even though it was pouring and he was so near his house <3
Bought madelines and the macarons were from him. THE MACARONS WERE SURPRISINGLY NICE TEEHEE <3 and it was 3 for $5, damn cheap.
Soooooooooooooooooooo anyway........... 5th feb is a special day cause it's the day we became official! teehee finally not forever alone LOL.
Thirdly, we celebrated jiaying's birthday last friday (2/8/13) at Astons~
with le birthday girl- Happy birthday Jiaying! <3
nothing lasts forever, so let's just enjoy the moments that we have together.
fourthly, cny this year was actually kinda boring.
somehow the festive mood was just not there....... and exams were during cny week which sucks, :-(
oh well, at least I spent time with my family, cousins and extended family. And that was really nice since I rarely see them :-(
so for CNY eve we went for a BBQ at my uncle's gf place!
with felicia & michelle and my sister <3 Can't believe that we've all grown up now. I still remember how we used to play really retarded games and we were all super adorable :-)
Just me looking all busy BBQ-ing food hahaha! with my mummy, daddy and sister <3
Cousins preparing the corn to be bbq-ed!
with michelle & felicia <33333333
michelle! :-)
felicia and sister <3
and my momma i love her soooooooooo much <3

We used to think that it would just be the 4 of us for awhile, but then Eunice came and it's 5 of us now! A pity that Emmerine (michelle & eunice's sister) didn't come :-( havent seen her for a gazillion years :-(
My little angel, xinyi/eunice/mayo <3 I still remember how she was as a baby, and I remember how I used to fetch her and Michelle from their house to ahma's house. memories. now she's alr so big :-)
le family <3
day 1: spent the morning & afternoon slacking and went out in the evening!
Birdie on my window, hehehe and a good morning to you too~
SISTERS FOREVER HAHAHA my mom says that we are looking more and more alike!
le dad with his princesses <3
Le princesses and the queen HAHAHA CHEESY SIA
with siti while we were at my grandpa's house! :-)
then we headed to my ahma/uncle's house for steamboat!
outfit of the day~
Day 2: grandfather's house & dinner at aunty layling's house!
le grandfather's house seemed so damn depressing cause it felt so empty, which wasnt the case in previous years. oh well.........

Le OOTD yo <3
Tired Zember is tired <3 so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
OH and le guy came to my house to "study" BUT we didn't even study LOL
mummy and daddy bought mac for us <3333333333
oh we didnt study, we explored little guilin instead HAHAHAHA
LUVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV THIS SHOT. effects made the photo gorgeous.
Oh! under pressure from him, I finally gave in and updated my phone and now it's iOS6! Though updating was a bitch BUT IT'S SO WORTH IT LALALA <3
ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD it was vday on thursday.
from my lover of 11 years, xueying HAHAHAHAHA <3
But frankly speaking I wasn't in a celebratory mood cause I screwed up my BSTATS so badly I don't even wanna think about it..... and did I mention that I was late for my 2:30 paper? I thought it started at 3 omg luckily I arrived at 225 and was allowed to enter at 230 sharp.......
BUT. still met le guy and we went out for dinner

Baskin robbins ice cream was lovely though! the berry flavored one (love potion) WAS SO GOOD I LOVED IT <33333333
went home after ice cream and he sent me home teehee :-)
a yellow gerbera from my sister! it's pretty!!! <3
and le rose wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3
and sobs I love the chocs that he bought this is awesome damnit <3
Thankyou okay xoxo <3
OKAY FINALLY FINISHED BLOGGING. I shall do what I normally do at night, which is to read food blogs HAHAHAHAHA.
ciao xoxo.
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