wow, didn't realize how long I have not blogged! Almost...... 2-3 weeks I supppose?
anyway, it's christmas day today! so:

time really flies, when did a year fly past us? It's a few days till the end of 203, goodness me!
anyway, Christmas was a really boring day for me! We just went to the temple to pray for my grandfather (who left us on the 19 of December) then we bought some fried chicken cubes and mushroom and went home HAHAHA. what an exciting christmas I KNOW.
but yeah, the family has never been a sucker for celebrating xmas so yeah ;-)
OH I did celebrate Christmas eve though! went out with the boy hehehe ❤
I still remembered last year I was in Cambodia and we were miles & miles away. How much a year has changed us, from awkward crushes to someone I think about all the time!
anyway, I took a cab with le sister and dad cause they were gonna go return my ahgong's medical equipment.
TBH I really rarely take cabs and I always get really excited cause I always loved the luxury of owning a car.
was dropped off at Novena and decided to just stay there and chill since we haven' been there together before and sg is real boring meh.
we just walked around, ate lunch (SPAGHETTI) & travelled to town for some xmas shopping!
walked from novena all the way to town and we spotted a pretty overhead bridge so we camwhored hahaha!
hehehe we are weird but it was fun!
took this at Orchard Central and it was so christmassy hehehe!
Then we went to Poulet for dinner at great world city! Like finally hehehe.
and as usual the lighting was real good at the bus stop so.....
The food was not bad, I loved the mushroom soup and tiramisu damnnnnnn ❤
and after that, we tried walking back to tiong bahru but LOL WE WALKED TO SOME WEIRDASS PLACE LOL. at least we had fun and sang loads of random songs like retards heheh.
went to tiong bahru and went home hehehe but it was so simply fun I just wanted to meet the boy and just spend some time tgt you know :-)
and we exchanged presents yay!
I got him real random presents cause I could only buy it on the day itself since the funeral ended on the 23rd. But at least I tried!
The boy got me some chia seeds hehehe and a pair of shoes that I actually chose on the day itself ;-)
yay a wonderful christmas ❤❤❤
then went home and received presents from the mommy (a wallet and face shop face cleansers hehe) yay lucky amanda! AND OHOH I bought some jewellery for my mom and sis (pearl earrings) and I was so glad that they loved them when I surprised them at 12am hehehe ;-)
It feels wonderful to just give and not expect anything in return!
And Xy bought me a werewolf totebag and some turkish delight chocs which I luv! yay I feel loved ❤
My grandfather passed away at the age of 84 and tbh I really felt kinda regretful that I didn't really cherish the last grandparent that I had... Now that he's gone, it's kinda bittersweet. Happy that he's reunited with ahma and his 2 sons, but sad because of course it's really sad to see someone not coming back ever again.
Now I just hope that he rests in peace ❤

me during funeral, where my sister clipped peanut shells on my earlobes and braided my hair on the 3rd night cause we couldn't sleep (had to take care of the void deck at night mah)
and our diet for the 5 days there: VEGETARIAN
don't get me wrong, this particular meal was amazing but I just don't like to eat flour you know?
My uncle's wedding was on the 15th of December! and it was really fun cause I got to meet my cousins and it was just a girly night lah hehe.
took the train to my uncle's house on the 14th night to help him out with the wedding prep! Okay the house was initially my ahma's and now it's super weird to see the whole house look so different. oh well.
I just watched KBS and painted my nails and helped steam my mom's dress hehehe till 3++4 am.
the next morning Michelle and I woke up and went to fetch the 2 monsters (eunice & emerine)
they were super adorable omg and emerine even dropped her shoe in the middle of the road like a princess HAHAHA DAMN FUNNY.
the 4 of us rushed back to le uncle's house, just in time (luckily).
But tbh I felt a bit..... extra during the whole ceremony cause we were just standing there and it was so awkward..
okay yes the photo quality isn't the best, so here are photos from my sister's camera!

After the ceremony we headed home to rest, change and do hair and makeup for the banquet! WAS SO EXCITED CAUSE I LUV WEDDINGS ❤O❤
here are some (fake) artsy-fartsy shots of my dress, please pardon the huge pile of mess on the thing known as a "Desk"
cabbed to Intercontinental Hotel and we went to look for mummy who had professional makeup services done for her dayumm.
then we headed for the banquet after loitering outside the ballroom, waiting for it to open hehehe.

the ballroom was gorgeous but I don't have pics awwwwh man.

the dinner was not bad but since I alr had it before it was so meh.

sat next to eunice and she was so adorable I think kx fell in love with her HAHAHA.
so we brought eunice to the toilet and she wanted to take a photo with the christmas tree! We asked her if she could take a photo for us and she readily agreed and.......

unglam but so cute
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