So I wanted to order these gorgeous floral cupcakes for my mom on mothers' day but I'm way too last cuz they're all booked. oh man...... but nvm i SHALL FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE.
plus my mom doesnt like cake heh.
recently I've discovered this super new black spot on my toe and i freaked out after reading online that it may be skin cancer or diabetes. tho it's starting to look like a mole -_- I will still try and remain as healthy as possible. Gonna eliminate unhealthy sugar from my diet! (TRY)
anyway, work has been freaking crazy. Anati and I have been alternating, with her working OTs on my off days and vice versa. tbh I think the both of us are too stressed out and we don't know what to do cause we really wanna do everything to help but it's kinda taking a toll on us, mentally and physically.
I mean, I haven't gotten gastric pains till this one day of OT at work that I really couldn't deal with the stress :-(
okay anyway, moving on to happier things!
so I spent my off day at my uncle's house to pray for my grandma's death anniversary. It's kinda ironic but I actually dreamt of her just the night before :-) a nonsensical dream of me borrowing her clothes with her all-too-familiar smell but still.
anyway, the family cooked while I lingered in the kitchen cuz there was nth much to do!
bought some ice cream for the kids and michelle while I could only afford cartoned juice.

but anyway, kids and ice cream = A HUGE MESS. (missing the old sister cuz she was too lazy to come downstairs for a walk HAHAHA)

made a yummy banana strawberry smoothie one day before work and it was major love.
with my ham wrap from subway btw did you know that tuna sandwiches arent $5 anymore?
one afternoon while I was bored = pschool uniform! look at ma prefect tie
momma cooked meesua for sister and I so yummy!
okay next: Gardens by the bay with my boy!
last year we were actually going to GBTB for the tulips exhibition but it wasn't in season so we missed it (BUT THE UP EXHIBITION WAS AWESOME AND ITS WAY BETTER)
BUT THE TULIPS WERE BREATHTAKING I WENT INTO THAT HALL AND I LITERALLY GASPED. it was amazing I love flowers and I think I died and went to heaven.
and then we reached the tulips field.
love the 2 photos above heh. but seriously the place was gorgeous I would have stayed for ages if not for the huge crowd standing in front/behind/next to us and all squeezing to take a photo zzz.
and you can see that Im always standing in front of that patch after discovering my love HAHAHA.
this would look amazing in a bouquet
the boy likes to take candid shots of me. the unglams are like 20 and these are the only nice ones LOL.
it was a wonderful day ❤
49 seats for dinner and we were underwhelmed it was just..... meh.
fav polaroid of the day :-)
kay long day ahead xoxo.
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