FINALLY GONNA BLOG ABOUT OIP HAHAHA the semester's almost over and here am I, writing about OIP.
whatever imma blog cause I want to!
Day 31: no idea
woke up and camwhored cause the sunlight was perfect!
Buy so much snacks now they're still in my cupboard HAHAHA
Day 32: touring the town
had a hot milk tea and headed out!
So everyone wanted to go to this other place that I forgot but cause Peixing wanted to go to the cultural street, I decided to accompany her and the 2 of us explored the place! (they said it could be dangerous if only the 2 of us went but we were all brave HAHAHA)
But it was SUPER DUPER CROWDED ON THAT DAY and we were sooooooooooooooooo tired after squeezing with the crowd
grasshopper made of blown sugar
finally tried this really interesting looking kueh thing but it sucked HAHAHA
then we headed to the nearby shopping centre and had tea! egg tarts and tea!
so it was a wonderful 1-1 date with peixing <3 after this the van came to pick us up and we headed to the hypermarket or school HAHAHA.
then after that we headed out for Japanese buffet with the whole OIP group! food was pretty alright BUT WHY SO SLOW.
ENGRISH HHAHA OMG CHECK THIS OUT this kind of english was super common in China tho!
since there was free-flow of alcohol naturally everyone drank loads while playing 猜拳 and most got kinda wasted LOL not me though I could walk and I didn't talk nonsense like the others. I just felt super sleepy.
Crashed when I went back (with help from friends cause they thought I couldn't recognize my room when all I wanted was to walk around and see if the others were okay! But they steered me straight to my room and even unlocked the door for me like I was really so drunk I wasn't........) and snoozed for like an hour plus I still remember felicia talking to me like I was a child like:" You hurry sleep okay then later I wake you up go bathe hurry sleep I off lights alr ah!"
DAMN FUNNY. I stunk real badly like alcohol apparently and looked terrible sigh image gone.
ANYWAY no one remembers it only me (i hope) so yeah! ;-)
DAY 33: final rush
Final full day in Tianjin and we were all lugging heavy hearts cause we knew that we were heading home tomorrow. It's kind of like how people said that OIP friends would never last and that we really should cherish the friendship there cause it would be different when we come back. So we really wanted to make our last day as memorable as possible!
so we went ice skating @ galaxy mall! AND I ALMOST DIED cause I'm just so not good with balancing and okay I just suck hahaha.
Then we all headed for lunch at pepper lunch LOL sg also have pepper lunch why eat that there
immortality milk tea guise we need this in SG HAHAHA
the others headed to taobao street while we just got sick of that place since we went there alr.
selca with everyone hehehe
think we went to a hypermarket cause there was nothing to do at galaxy mall
dinner at saizeriya and we headed to the night market!
bought quite a bit there but stupid me didn't bring enough money sighpie.
but oh well, went home with quite a bit of stuff hehehe!
with the best driver on earth! HE IS DAMN NICE cause we're always late but he never grumbles and he's always so smiley and smuggled all 10 or 12 of us in his little van/bus HAHAHA we bought beer for him hehehe.
Stayed up till like i forgot what time to pack our bags and have our final chat oh man it was so sad then and it's still sad now. We wouldn't be able to knock on each others doors and wake each other up. it was like being neighbours, and that was such a precious memory to be able to annoy your friend within 20 seconds cause everyone stayed under one roof :-(
dining buddies yay the 3 "losers" who don't eat much HAHAHA but luckily I have them to share my meals with and YAY I COULD TRY SO MUCH MORE FOOD.
Julia, Justin and I :-)
DAY 35: goodbye Tianjin.
with heavy hearts (SUPER SAD) we started doing our final cleaning up of the room. The dorm room has been our home for the past 35 days and it was just really sad to head back and leave our "home" that created such beautiful memories for me as we gossiped, did nonsensical stuff, chionged projects, mugged for our tests and etc :-( But oh well.
Felicia's bed and mine. AND THAT WONDERFUL COMFORTER that tried to keep me warm during the shockingly cold nights in Tianjin.❤
all packed and ready to leave. we had to wait for the cleaning aunties to check our rooms so we took selcas before we had to go.
"so we're going home and yay!"
"But I will miss Tianjin so much it's been such an amazing trip Feli..."
"Now I'm sad too meh :-( "

goodbye amazing little convenience store with the most wonderful biscuits and crazily cheap ice cream...
with Ms Annie Yee, our IC for 3 weeks of our trip!
with felicia and goodbye wind that's so amazing I wanna cry when I think of you.
with peixing and edwin!
super unexpected groupmates yet we worked really well so proud of us all!
on the buggies we tried to act like we were driving it HAHAHA.

and finally, to the most amazing group of friends that I've met during OIP. Thank you for all the love, care and concern. I boarded the plane to Tianjin in tears, thinking that I would be an awkward loner and no one would even bother to talk to me. However, these people made my trip so precious and worthwhile and I would never forget the times we had there even though right now we're all busy with our own life! MANY MANY LOVE ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
AND MY ROOMMATE/FIRST FRIEND IN OIP/GROUPMATE/DINING BUDDY/CURRENT CLASSMATE AND AWESOME FRIEND yay I am so glad to have her with me for OIP i bet if I didn't go for OIP with feli I would have been totally alone and I am so grateful to her for making both OIP as well s sem 2.2 an amazing one i love you feli xoxo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
anyway, with extremely heavy hearts (how many times have my heart sunk HAHAHA), we boarded the bus and took a final glance at the school, knowing that we would never go back.
and we boarded the plane, ready for the long ride and even more ready to finally meet our loved ones!
plane food meh
stopped at guangzhou airport for our transfer flight and THERE WAS NO CHEAP FOOD THERE so all of us shared sandwiches and a fried rice! I was kinda quiet then cause flights always make me really drained out plus I was kinda sad.the second flight was so awkward case I sat beside a couple and behind another couple (and the couples made me miss giraffe so much :-( )
and after a long flight, we reached Singapore and I have never been so happy to see Singapore lands it was like: it's been way too long yet I feel like I belong hehehe so cheesy but I'm being honest here.
went to get our luggages and bought stuff from the duty free shops and met the giraffe first and we hugged and omg he was so nervous but damn cute ❤
and I saw my mommy and sister yay! ❤ and we went home and thats the end of my OIP journey I miss Tianjin and I wanna go back but the company made the trip so amazing!
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